Make Dance Here

Make Dance Here is a pilot programme by DanceWest, supporting independent artists with access to space at a significantly reduced rate. To make, create and present new dance. Let’s foster creativity, community and the presentation of new dance works.

The offer 

  • DanceWest Studio at £10 per hour. 

  • Access to the space at this rate for 2 hour and 2.5 hour blocks over 10-weeks April-July 2024. 

  • A chance to present work in progress in a curated event at the end of the programme July 2024.

  • Social media exchange and support throughout the 10-weeks. 

  • Build connections with other artists and the DanceWest team. 

How to apply  - Now closed!

  • Complete the form below by Friday 5th of April 2024. 

  • We will award spaces by Friday 12th of April 2024. 

  • The programme starts week commencing 22nd of April 2024. 

  • The programme will end by 19th of July 2024. 

Frequently asked questions 

  • How many artists can you support April-July? 

DanceWest is able to offer three independent artists April-July. Our ambition is to develop this programme and in time offer more support to more artists. 

  • How do the charges work?

We will provide a letter of agreement with the artist this will state the times, dates of the space hire. The space is charged at £10 per hour. We will invoice and payment is required by BACS. There will be no charge to the artist, their performers to take part in the work in progress event. There will be no charge for the audience to attend the work in progress event. 

  • What do you mean by independent artist? 

A dance artist making choreography, developing dance, performance and their own practice. The space is not to deliver paid classes, events, paid training. The space is for the creation of new dance. 

  • Will there be other classes or rehearsals in the building? 

The artist has exclusive access to our building for the duration of their hire. We provide an on site receptionist to welcome your performers, provide technical support and set up the space as required. The artist will have access to changing facilities and a private bathroom. The studio has a fully sprung Harlequin dance floor, portable mirrors, sound system, ballet barres. 

  • How will you select the artists? 

We're looking for dance artists representing a diverse range of styles and disciplines. We value varied experiences, training backgrounds and voices in our selection process.

  • Who makes the selection? 

The DanceWest Chief Executive and the Coordinator. 

  • How does the work in progress event work? 

We would like to bring all of the artists and their performers together in one event. Each artist will present the work, their ideas they have been developing during the ten weeks. A hosted Q&A with the  artists offer a chance for the audience to ask questions about the artists process. In the audience we imagine there will be other artists, dancers in training and producers. Then after we will host drinks in our reception for everyone to network and socialise. 

  • Why are you doing this? 

The financial challenges and the pressures on independent artists, particularly with the high cost of studio space in London. This programme aims to address some of these challenges, build a network and sense of community for independent artists. 

  • Why are you not offering FREE space? 

This is currently and unfunded programme. We know we need to take action and offer what we can. 

  • What do you mean by pilot? 

We're committed to evolving and improving the programme based on feedback from the participating artists. During this programme we will evaluate and look to make improvements before re-launching in the summer for the autumn. 

  • If I don't get through can I apply again?

Yes we will notify you of the next deadlines, the changes and improvements we make to the programme as it develops. 

  • Where is the DanceWest studio? 

Our studio is located in the London borough of Hammersmith and Fulham. The nearest tube station is Parsons Green (District) and the nearest rail station is Wandsworth Town, we are a 15 minute walk from Imperial Wharf (London overground). There is no parking on site but we do have bike parking. Our full address is: DanceWest Studio, Sands End Arts & Community Centre, Peterborough Road, London SW6 3EZ.

I have further questions how can I get in touch?

  • Please email us:

  • Please note that we are a small team of 2.5 and we may take 1-2 days to return your email.